Articles tagged with: Pop Culture
Cinema and Television, July 2009 »

(500)Days of Summer, is not a love story, at least that’s what we’re told within the first few minutes of the film. It’s not a love story, like All the Real Girls or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind aren’t love stories; they’re about love but reveal the bleaker underside, the heartbreak and uncertainty that inevitably come with commitment.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is Tom, and he believes in love. He learned about love from pop music and movies, and he believes that there is someone perfect out there for him. …
April 2009, Cinema and Television »

Though something of a nostalgia trip, Adventureland never falls into the traps of over romanticizing or sentimentalizing a bygone era. Inspired by the events of his own post-adolescence in the 1980s, Greg Mottola writes and directs this surprisingly tender film about confused and loveless young adults. Though beginning on a similar note as many films of its type — a party where the protagonist, James, is introduced as a virgin — the film takes an unusual path from there. He returns home to find out his summer plans are dashed …
Cinema and Television, December 2008 »

Prepackaged as a “cult film,” the Wachowski’s latest offering appears at first glance to caution against the evils of capitalism, but upon closer inspection, may actually be the most comprehensive attempt in years by a Hollywood summer tentpole movie to promote a right-wing philosophy.
Cultural Comment, Oct/Nov 2008 »

Sigue Sigue Sputnik 1, Metal Gear Solid 2, The Blair Witch Project: three things prematurely hyped beyond belief in an effort to get you to fork over your hard-earned cash.
Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Metal Gear Solid 2, The Blair Witch Project: three things that failed to deliver when they finally did arrive.
We’ve all fallen victim to the hype machine; it’s an elusive creature that takes many forms. And like the human ego, left unchecked it grows out of control with each subsequent cycle. Not that it’s exclusive to our time. I’m …