Articles tagged with: Tarantino
April 2010, Cinema and Television »

Steve P nears the end of his journey through Kill Bill with the Cruel Tutelage of Pai Mei and Elle and I.
Cinema and Television, March 2010 »

Steve P’s Journey Through Kill Bill was originally published on Genrebusters. This article is re-posted on Playtime by permission of the author. You can catch up on the Journey by reading Part 1 & 2 , Part 3&4, and Part 5 here.
Volume 2 Intro and Chapter 6: Massacre At Two Pines
Volume Two of the Kill Bill Saga begins exactly like Volume One: the screen is black and we hear the titular antagonist explaining in his own special way that this hurts him more than it does The Bride. …
Cinema and Television, Nov/Dec 2009 »

Steve P’s Journey Through Kill Bill was originally written for and published on Genrebusters. Part 3 and 4 are reposted on Playtime by permission of the author. You can catch up on the Journey: Part 1 and 2 here.
Part 3 – Chapter 3: The Origin Of O-Ren
Chapter Three begins with the Bride informing the audience that O-Ren Ishii witnessed her parents’ murders (at the age of nine) at the hands of a yakuza boss named Matsumoto. The film switches from live-action to anime; flashing back in time, we witness …
Cinema and Television, Nov/Dec 2009 »

Steve P’s Journey Through Kill Bill was originally written for and published on Genrebusters. Part 1 and 2 are reposted on Playtime by permission of the author.
Part 1 – Opening and Chapter 1
I am not a Quentin Tarantino fan. Unlike some of my friends, I haven’t watched much of his work. Oh sure, I’ve seen enough of “Reservoir Dogs” to get the reference from an episode of the BBC comedy “Coupling”. And I’ve seen parts of “Pulp Fiction,” though I prefer Kevin Rubio’s parody of the …
Cinema and Television, January 2009, World Affairs »

Most fashionable Romanian women try to dress like their beverage bottles.
As of January 2009, I still have not seen all the movies from 2007 that I wanted to see. This is the blessing and the curse of being a cinephile in an age when technology has allowed my favorite medium to proliferate: I will never want for new, intriguing cinema; I will also never be able to catch up. The best I can do is slog ahead, basing the priority ranking of my Netflix queue on the recommendations of friends …